Your Donations at Work
Our Leadership Centre and Nature School drive revenue to support the administrative cost at Camp Scugog. This means your donation will have a maximum impact and be used directly to support kids going to camp.
Camp Scugog is special
Camp Scugog goes beyond summertime fun in the sun. With year-round programs and support, the bonds formed in the summer become a diverse, vibrant, and empowered community.
Celebrating You

The Giving Tree is a mural painted by a longtime member of the Camp Scugog community, Jessica Rhynas. It lives in the Farmhouse and honours donors who, through giving, have helped Camp Scugog grow and blossom.
Charlotte & Dave Shepherd
Church of the Master United Church
David & Anne Patterson
Ebenezer United Church
Glenn Brigitte and Victoria Bogar Davis
Joan McNeely
Lorna & Cliff Johnson
Melody Onuotu
Paul Truelove
Shirley Davey
Steve Holmes
The Beveridge Family
The Casey Family
The Spence Family
736 Outreach Corporation
Chuck & Lee Magwood
Eglinton St. Georges United Church
Elgin Coutts
Humber Valley United Church
JMR Property Management Inc.
John Lederer
Kingsway-Lambton United Church
Michael Campbell
Peter & Eleanor Heinz
R. Howard Webster Foundation
Rosedale United Chruch
The Rhynas Family
Yellow Bus Foundation
Amici Camping Charity
Andras Family Foundation
Bloor St. United Church
Estate of Mary Elizabeth Howson
Janet Adamson
Kids in Camp
Leaside United Church
Paul & Sandra Hellyer
Raquel Shulman
Shining Waters Regional Council
Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund
The Pete Crompton Foundation
Tim & Nancy Magwood
Toronto Southeast Presbytery
Lawrence Park Community Church
Tippet Foundation
The Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund
Sprott Foundation
Canadian Tire Jumpstart Foudnation
Estate of Hellen Allen Stacey
Fairlawn Avenue United Church
Janet & Brown Family
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Presbyteries of Toronto Conference Corporation
The Peter & Catherine Clark Family Foundation
The Rotary Club of Toronto
The Peter & Catherine Clark Family Foundation
The Rotary Club of Toronto
Toronto United Church Council
Thanks to the initiatives of our donors

Basketball Court

Thanks to the great efforts of Camp Scugog's donors, two important capital projects were completed in 2021, the basketball court and the boathouse. The basketball court was a great addition and opened up programming opportunities. Campers went from throwing the ball around in the parking lot to playing on a shiny new court. The boathouse was an existing structure that needed major updates, it got just that. The space is now larger, much more reinforced, and includes a beautiful deck that overlooks serene lake views, perfect for a relaxing afternoon.
A word from our donors:
Camper Testimonials